Liv lionetti
jacklyn poquette
nina lionetti
Celebrate westwood's arts on the avenues
Editor's note: These interviews were submitted via email. It was edited for clarity and length.
Liv, Jacqueline and Nina are an incredibly talented family - three generations of performers - and the first volunteers to participate in Celebrate Westwood's inaugural Arts on the Avenues program during summer of 2020 - during the pandemic. Unfortunately, Liv (pictured left) was unable for an interview because she is finishing a degree in Commercial Music at Kutztown University and will be graduating in May 2022! You can check out Liv's work here: https://livlionmusic.wordpress.com. We hope to welcome Liv back to Arts on the Avenues this summer! Read on for more about her Grandmother - Jacqueline Poquette and her mother Nina Lionetti.
Name: Jacqueline Poquette (pictured centered)
Volunteer Organization(s): Celebrate Westwood
Number of years you’ve been volunteering: 5
Tell us about the organization or organizations that you volunteer with here in Westwood.
-Celebrate Westwood/Arts on the Avenue
-Created theatrical performances for Westwood Veterans Park
-Conducted an Introduction to Shakespeare lecture at the Westwood library
-Westwood Library - ESL tutoring
-Home for the Holidays - I brought my 3 award-winning show dogs (white Samoyeds) to participate in the holiday parade.
What drew you to volunteer?
-ESL - I felt there was a need to bring a bigger understanding of the usage of the English language to new immigrants in Westwood.
-Celebrate Westwood - When I heard about Arts on the Avenue providing opportunities to bring various artistic experiences to our community, I knew I had to participate.
Do you have a favorite task/activity/event associated with the organizations for which you volunteer?
My favorite activity was to bring a production of Shakespeare in the Park to the Westwood community.
Tell us about a time when you realized that your time volunteering was important or impactful to the community OR about the ways volunteering has personally affected you.
- It was a wonderful experience to work with newcomers to the area who needed help to communicate and support their non-English speaking children as they entered the school system.
-I was also able to bring residents of other communities to experience the warmth and creativity found here in Westwood.
What would you say to other people interested in volunteering?
-Westwood is a burgeoning community of activities for volunteers. They acknowledge and celebrate the importance of volunteering to bring a sense of unity to the town.
Do you have any tips for volunteers?
-Google all the various opportunities that are here in Westwood!
Anything you’d like us to tell people about yourself, Westwood, your organization or volunteering?
-Westwood is a community that is very advanced in the promotion of volunteer organizations. There is something for everyone if you take the time to explore.
Name: Nina Lionetti (picture on right)
Volunteer Organization(s):
-Celebrate Westwood/Arts on the Avenue
-CHS - Center for Hope and Safety
-Meals on Wheels
Number of years you’ve been volunteering: 4
Tell us about the organization or organizations that you volunteer with here in Westwood.
Celebrate Westwood/Arts on the Avenue - This organization has provided much needed musical/theatrical experiences for the residents of Westwood. Having live music in the neighborhood not only gives performers a chance to keep doing what they like to do best, it also lifts the spirits of community members.
Meals on Wheels - needs no explanation!
What drew you to volunteer?
Celebrate Westwood/Arts on the Avenue - As a performer, I am always looking for opportunities to bring music and the arts to people everywhere. During this time of COVID, there have been fewer and fewer live musical experiences for community members to enjoy. So when this opportunity came up - I gladly jumped in.
Meals on Wheels - As a school teacher, during virtual teaching, I was able deliver meals to homebound Westwood residents. I enjoyed getting to chat with my “regulars”!
Do you have a favorite task/activity/event associated with the organizations for which you volunteer?
Yes - planning a program and then having the chance to share it with an audience
Tell us about a time when you realized that your time volunteering was important or impactful to the community OR about the ways volunteering has personally affected you.
I love singing songs from the 30’s - 70’s and have the audience sing along!
What would you say to other people interested in volunteering? Do you have any tips for volunteers?
Just do it! There are many different opportunities - take the time to find something that suits your interests and availability.